• Size can be displayed in either bytes or kilobytes.
• The second field displayed in the scrollable list can be switched between the first 10 characters of several different fields.
• Printing of File Section data.
• EXTRACT allows the ability to select fields and create a text file from them.
• CHECK DISK INFO allows a check to be made between the currently selected entry and fields that can be found on the disk volume.
• PREFERENCES allow you to customize tidE’s interface. You can set sizes to be displayed in bytes or Kbytes and what will be displayed in the second field of the file list. You can choose to suppress the “Remove deleted files” and “Filename longer than…” Alerts. These settings are saved in the tidE prefs.
• SORTING allows you to sort (in either Ascending or Descending sequence) by Unsorted, Name, Size, Uploader, Accesses, Access Level or Date of Upload.
• FIND allows searching of File Section File entry name, Uploader, Version, Pathname, and Description data fields for a user specified string.